Education in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
The SIWF/ISFM accepted the changes of the Aptitude Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Certificate curriculum proposed by the Educational Committee of the SUHMS with entry in function 2012. For present diploma holders there will be a transition period before the recertification 2016.
Both the Medical Examiner of Divers and the Diving Medicine Physician courses remain prerequisites for application. In addition, a Hyperbaric Medicine Physitian Diploma will be requested. This new regulation will reduce the amount of requested supervised activities, as the total number of hours/credits will remain the same.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Aptitude SUHMS Curricula
Guidelines for candidates
Logbook for recertification
- Diploma Holders “Aptitude Certificate Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (FA/AFC)”
- Medical Examiners of Divers